jogo mubly thoogoo
Yea.. this reminded me of some Monty Python. Best watched after some ice cold beer. Or even warm beer if your "one of those people". ciao.
yes...usually i dont spend more than 1h for a flash... but at least... it's free
jogo mubly thoogoo
Yea.. this reminded me of some Monty Python. Best watched after some ice cold beer. Or even warm beer if your "one of those people". ciao.
what the crap?
that was strange and wierd at the same time...
I did get the joke though
forza se ti sforzi ci puoi arrivare
Ok what was that?
too short
make it a little longer with more stages and a less painfull death
This was simply all around decent, not much else to it all... Eventhough I think that it could have been done better... I thought that it was really well dont considering it was only made in an hour.
Kinda pointless, but good nonetheless.