I was coming
++++ Love the aim of teaching folk.
--- Simply translating phrases ain't the way to do it.
Check a formatted language tape, like Pimsleur's series. (Check torrentspy if you want.) In there, stuff is explained, we're encouraged to repeat (which we can do here of course) but then... we're later prompted to recall words or phrases. We're prompted o work out new combinations. Actually forcing us to remember facts is the only way to help us ensure we do.
--- There are only 5 things here I'd want to know.
++ Cool kanji at the start.
-- ugly in-game gfx.
I was coming to learn, but left disappointed.
It's certainly possible to make learning more fun with a game, but it requires more thought than this if we're gonna learn anything much.
Still, having the sounds on a soundboard has potential...