Hey,that was awesome,man!!! But your drawing is still nice,you can add more scenery instead of a white background. Maybe you can put it as a rainbow kinda background, you know what i mean??? And maybe more animation too......
This's the first Game/Interactive flash I ever make. The powers shown are all inspired by the different flash works on Newgrounds collection of stick movies.
You'll like it.
I am sorry for there is no sound to this thing. But the main thing is at its animation, the beuty and fluidity of it.
Hey,that was awesome,man!!! But your drawing is still nice,you can add more scenery instead of a white background. Maybe you can put it as a rainbow kinda background, you know what i mean??? And maybe more animation too......
I can give this games 10/10 cause it's very stylish and funny!! THANKS NEWGROUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
neat game
that was an interesting interactive flash you got there, very nice idea to it. it was a little easy and quick to complete but it is quite cool and it was surprisingly great for a stick animation. nice effort in this one too.
pretty good
for the guy below, did you click on the thing in the upper left corner that said black stick power gallery?
This was a good flash game, just put blood, and sound in it
Its a movie and I can't find the interactiveness.