how come star captain hold acid?? on the title screen
This is a prototype of a game I am developing.
Comments and feedback will help to improve later versions.
how come star captain hold acid?? on the title screen
learning is fun!
Your animation is very good, and the guy looks cool as well. The dripping up the top looks very nice.
Fix -
- Make the gradiant colours on the barrel look better.
- Make the text on the barrel not go inverted when you turn around
- Make more backgrounds
- Add Powerups
- Add falling spikes
and i'm sure it will be a decent game :)
Meh, not bad.
A bit jerky, though. I'd really like to see this when it's done, it looks like it could be really great. The graphics look very nice.
wasnt my cup of tea
i didnt really like it, its nothing original. great job with the graphics and everything, i understand its just a prototype gl with the full version