vectors but don't think
+++ Loved the design of the characters. Cute. Specially like the plankton.
+++ Cool tune.
---- Little or no variation as game progresses.
------- Our score isn't reset to 0 when we start a new game - we start with the score we finished.
--- No reason to bump into the starry thing unless it's right on a plankton.
++ Simple to understand gameplay.
Enjoyed seeing the vectors but don't think it's really worth any extended playtime.
Maybe you could have starry things sorta scroll left to right, with various movements... starting off, they could move in a straight line, then drifting in one direction, then moving up and down, homing in on you at the y-direction, maybe changing size...
and the plankton should probably be on the left half then.
Anyway, hope you take this further. The cool characters, even if 'inspired' by Electroplankton, should be used again.