The animation is kinda bad but I liked the video.
Hated Columbine? The Bombing in Ohio? The big shootout in that movie about the guy killing innocent people? WELL SCREW YOU! This movie is about innocent death :P
The animation is kinda bad but I liked the video.
This is very trippy and funny I love it! make more please
A kid gets revenge at school in a drastic way. The art is pretty bad. It's not the worst but it wasn't good either. The animation was slow and clunky as well. The sound wasn't too bad. Good sound effects and music. The story is pretty cliche though and is a bit boring. The fact there's a disclaimer at the start saying he's not a psycho just makes me think he is, haha!
a good first attempt at film
you used the cliche bang, bang, dead formula
but there was an attempt ad drawing and some decent diolouge
its a typical disgruntled school inmate
if this was real life he would have most likely used a self made ied
i doubt it would look like a canon ball with a fuse
and that little bomb wouldn't have destroyed a building (at least not that fast)
unless he had coated the majority of the building with some form of accelerant
Has the potential now all you need to do is use it.
I mean if this thing had a back story and a few extended and extra scenes this can be a sweet movie about revenge. And theres nothnig sweeter huh?