The Same?
Isn't this one just like your other one? I mean, you only added the sign around each SBC. Like I said before, good but was boring.
throw that faggot SBC around. shwo him how much you hate him.
The Same?
Isn't this one just like your other one? I mean, you only added the sign around each SBC. Like I said before, good but was boring.
Why the hell did you accredit your own alts? Andit could have used some sound or anything to keep you entertained longer than 2 seconds...
turn your sound up
Uhm... all there is to do is move them around? Okay, gets boring really fast!
your mom got boring really fast as well. although i can't say the same for your sister.
well, that was fun for a few seconds. however, i thank you for hating sbc.
thank you for that informative review.
thank you sir.