you should be able to click on either screen
Hi Folks!
After some very creative and inspiring feedback, I decided to to a 2nd and last version of my searching game called: gimme5 - again!
This is what's new:
- 30 instead of only 10 images
- random display
- 5 jokers per game - to take away some frustration ;o)
- new color sheme & some slightly grafical changes
- a scoring system
I hope you gonna like this version more than my first one...
All in all it was great fun to build this game. Now I'm heading over to a far more advanced game. Stay tuned..
best wishes
edit: fixed a bug in one image-pair .. thx for telling me folks!
you should be able to click on either screen
I like to play this type of game at the bar...
I gave you 2 because it's done before...
a 0 because you should put some music on there
and a 6 because I had to strain to see LOL
Is there a mistake on one? The biking sign, there's a dash in the word on the left screen, no dash on the right, yet when you click the space nothing happens. Oh well...
Took some getting used to. I can't say I've beaten them all, so there's always more to do. This isn't really my type of game, but it's not bad.
I love these
I play these at the bar all the time. One lil suggestion I have is to not turn the pictures sideways. Its really annoying. Awesome submisstion though. Thanks for voting, ForkClock!
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interesting game
A very interesting game. It's fun to play the rules are simple and it could keep you entertained for ages. I liked it and hope it gets through the portal.