this is stupid dosent work good at all i would inprove it read frenzys he makes a good point
To save images, you need this program:
This is probably the best flash drawing program there is. What im doing is having a drawing contest. Draw what you want, then e-mail it to
m and i'll post it on LungsFilms. You can also add a message to it, and i'll post you message, you can promote your site, rant, whatever. Drawings will be ranked best to worst.
After a few days, check out this link to see where your drawing is ranked and other people's stuff:
Go to the HELP file to get full info on how to use this. But some basic stuff that is useful is:
Arrows - Move shapes around while stretching them
W,A,S,D move canvas around
Delete/Page down rotate canvas
U undo.
this is stupid dosent work good at all i would inprove it read frenzys he makes a good point
Well, I guess this is pretty unique.
Okay, well, first of all, there is no actual pencil, Second of all, tehre is no sound, third of all, this is very hard to use, and fourth of all, it just isn't very fun. The circle, for example, doesn't really work very well.
original and well done
great original ideas rather than just the basic paint options, you added in some cool new stuff and worked well
keep up the great work
Thanks a lot. If you e-mail a drawing to me, I'll put it on my site.
Yes, the interface looks like shit.. BUTTT... this is one of the most original pieces of work i've seen in a while! Be proud of yourself son!
but it had some flaws.
*sometimes buttons dont work and you can move them around the screen
*screen gets messed up and you can move the drawing pad around and see all the stuff at the bottem of the screen then you cant move it back to normal *but if you do get it back to normal you can move ALL of the buttons around and you have to quit to get it back to normal*
i hope this has been helpful **
good game kepp up the good work!!!
Thats an odd bug. You can drag buttons around? I never had that happen, theres nothing dragging-related in the code. If I find that bug, i'll try to fix it.
As for some buttons not working, I have no idea how to fix that. Its only a minor bug though, because repeated clicking always works.