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Miss Dynamite XX

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The previous episode exists only in manga. The beginning of the animation is a recap of that manga. -- You don't have to read it to understand -- There's a link to it at the end credits. After 6 months of work (not full time, but still) here's episode 20, Sister Dynamite. I hope you like it, because I'm not about to try something that crazy for a while. Animating in frame-by-frame is a lot of work and is terribly boring. Sure, it might look cool, but I'm not doing that again unless I got a studio working for me. I'm going back to full tweens in the next episode, Old School limited animation Miss Dynamite! I reveal who the cloaked figure in episode VIII was (think way back). I think Kagome and Mizura really help sell the fight scene with their kung-fu voice acting. Yes, there is an Easter Egg. To understand the preloader, search "leekspin" on Wikipedia. If the animation is too slow on old PCs, set the quality to "low". The next episode should be ready in a month. I can't answer them all, but I read all your reviews, so thanks in advance.
*SPOILERS* In case you really don't get it, Eva is converted to Catholicism by the Pope and his Jesus power. Beyond that, I'm sure what else I can explain, it's just an excuse for a fight.

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Please somebody tell me there is a way to read the old manga somehow.

XX? That sounds like a cross between softcore porn and hardcore porn. So I guess it's just like regular porn. I enjoy making fun of Pope Benedict. Good thing the new Pope is so much better. Honestly, him resigning is probably the nicest thing he's ever done.

I loved the pedophile joke at the end. Why? Because we finally acknowledge the fact that women can rape! I mean, isn't saying that they can't homophobic? Great animation as always.

Sister... Dynamite? This series is normally pretty good, but this is just plain shocking even for Newgrounds standards. Sirkowski, you continue to amaze us with your prowess in directing and animating this series. But this time, you've outdone yourself and just done what I'd never see possible; this truly is the funniest in the series. NICE.

awesome and funny best one yet

idont know this song is shit but iam some how like it

Credits & Info

4.52 / 5.00

Aug 18, 2006
8:01 PM EDT