Not great
I really think a short game could be a demo I mean this is so easy.Done the demo no problem also whats wrong with strawberry clock I mean he tilts left and right which made me say very odd.I liked the music though.
Not great
I really think a short game could be a demo I mean this is so easy.Done the demo no problem also whats wrong with strawberry clock I mean he tilts left and right which made me say very odd.I liked the music though.
He dodges bullets its fucking m8rix!1!!!1!!1!
clock day sucked did this game.......hope the real thing is bttr ........ehhh nice try i guess.......
lolfuassn00bcunt clockday > you so stfu
Well, this isa pretty good game. But, I must ask, waht's the point? There are no lives, etc. I beat the game on my second try. It's too short, nd the jumping could be improved. I like the drawing of SBC, though,a dnt eh graphics wer epretty good.
kthxbai B.
strawberry clock da game
I didn't enjoy this. Even on low quality, it was extremely slow. I also found that there is really nothing fun about this game, or at least for the amount of time I played it for. I played for about a minute or two, and was very bored with it. If there was anytheinng else besides jumping over pits, they should have come up earlier before you get so bored as to give up.
Good job.
It has good physics. If you put more effort into drawing him and the environment, make more levels, and probably add some traps or something, you'll pass.
Normally I can't say that I like games with bad graphics because they may also have bad physics but this game is very well actionscripted.
Well i'm on it now.. AND: This will NOT be blamed. I repeat: This will NOT be blamed. *cough*score@2.5*cough*