Short and buggy
That about sums it up.
Remake of the classic Sega game Gunstar Heroes with environments in notepad. Very short and buggy, it was more like a test but it stayed...
Short and buggy
That about sums it up.
It's Basically One Percent Done.
Heres to one of the most sacred games on the Sega Genesis and Treasure's first game. What a marvelous masterpiece it was. You know, when Treasure's founders separated from Konami to work on the game, their goal was not to make a "hardcore shooter". Their goal was to make a metaphorical gem in 16-bit cartridge form. They did not make the game to cater to Gradius or Contra nerds or those who craved hard difficulty. They were making a game that they themselves would love to play. Something that they themselves would get addicted to. A game that they(the devleopers) would play over and over again. A game with suprises, comical elements, an epic musical score, stages with individualistic variety, memorable bosses, an evil empire in dire need of a thrashing, and let us not forget "Complete Freedom" for that is the motto of that little company that could. Keep in mind that when you make a game, make sure you love it to pieces.
P.S. Never choose anything with the triangle, the homing attacks are for wimps. Real Gunstars aim for their targets. Sure, the triangle combinations are great for bosses in normal and easy. Yet, when on hard, you won't stand a chance with it. That is because its fire power is weaker then all the other weapons, and because of that, you wont be able to hold back swarms of android soldiers as easily. My favorite weapon is the Gunsaber, it basically one part fire and another part laser. This combination forms into an invincible short range beam of light. It melts bullets into thin harmless vapor. Did I also mention its the strongest, most powerful weapon in the game?! It's true! Just watch the enemy's health go down when you use it, it is phenomenal! Nothing beats Gunsaber, if you need to shoot afar, just turn off the fire upgrade with the press of button A and use the laser by itself. Gunsaber rocks by universal proportions. My favorite boss in Gunstar Heroes is 7-force, it is easily a candidate for the greatest boss of all time because it is. Among its transformtions include a typical humanoid form, a blue phoenix that clangs among walls, a ruthless tiger with a gun turret on its back, a crab form that shoots an array of obstacles at you, a deadly spinning shell that will get you if you don't watch it carfully, a seahorse like form with formidible long tail with a head that fires a trick spread of bullets. 7-force even pulls a Megatron by transforming into a gun and shooting off its rounds. For a real challenge try beating it on expert, I did, it was a hell of ride.
OMG I USED TO PLAY THE ORIGINAL gunstar heros on my sega mega drive but 1 problem i coulndt find my favorite power up
GREAT GAME could turn out to be really good on NG
thank you for recognising the less notised games which are spritey
if you had a back ground which wuz more intresting i might have foted 5 but for now its gonna be left at 3
Good Work!
This is a great idea for a game. You should definatly make it longer! This could turn out pretty good!
Actually its Good
Great Idea For A Game!
I loved how you used the ====== for diffrent obstacles
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