Wicked awsome puzzles!
Totally wicked cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got 33 so w00t!
YOu know, you work and work and work at something until it all falls in your face. i knew nothing of four second fury until about 5 days ago. so I was working at this game for 2 weeks, then i found out that the finished product would be nothing in newgrounds eyes execpt a cheap copy of four second fury. kinda makes you loose your motivation. thats why i'm realeaseing this early. whats the point of continuing something thats gonna look like crap to you anyway.
prisa is a black and white spinoff to wario ware, fallen cloud helped alot in 3 of the games, andhe provided me with the preloader. he also gave me ideas for about 4 of them.
you control the game by using the arrowkeys and the mouse. its best to keep your right hand on the mouse and your left hand on the keyboard.
please dont say it sucks because its a copy of four second fury. id idnt know anything baout 4 second fury when i started making this.
Wicked awsome puzzles!
Totally wicked cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got 33 so w00t!
You didn't know about Four Second Fury?
It's been out for 3 months...2 and a half before you started this. Anyways, I had already played this game on the SC forums before it was submitted so all I really have to say is that you've improved a lot on it over the past week or so...so good job.
This had just so much potential, what the hell happend?
I said "EXPLAIN THE FUCKING CONTROLS", it doesn't make any sense at all now. There was so little variety in this game I couldn't stand it. The same shit over and over and over again. The graphics were Squares, white, and a google image (Or some fucked up photoshop filters, correct me if I'm worng).
Skiek, you have a TON of talent, you should start using it better
Hoping you do better
everyone else got the controls, i explained them in the comments, i made the background image, and the point was for the same games oto be played at different diffuculties XD. Everyone else who didnt beta test the game got it, you should've.
also, i was going for the black and white effect.
good one
this wasn't a complete ripoff on 4 sec. fury, 'cause you got more than 4 seconds and actually like how it's the same coupla games and they just get harder as you go. i believe you when u say you didn't try to rip it off. if you do choose to make another one though try and make more things to do not many, but just like a total of at least 10. that would make things more interesting. good job though and keep up the good work
People shold join the SC. I tacked it on to this movie and i tried ot get people to join.
Its a fun little waste of time you should make a 3d Version. oooooooooooooooOOooooOOoh.
3D XD nice idea.