my name is Duke Nukem !
Hi people,
I have to say that I'm one of the greatest Duke Nukem Fans in the world, so I made this wonderful Soundboard ;)
I hope you enjoy it :)
my name is Duke Nukem !
Where did you get the sounds n stuff?
anyway nice
my favourite was . . .
I'll rip your'e head off and shit down youre neck lol
I constantly use this
Thes vocals are ON POINT! I use this and other soundboards while im playin Black Ops! I plug my headphones into my pc.. and i put my bluetooth into one of the ear muffs. It sounds deadly and i get constant laughs lol You never lose an argument when you end with a "BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS!" lolz
Obviously not all, but the best "best of".
Everyone knows "Eat shit and die." But I didn't know 90% of these. Thank you!
That was cool!!!
Can you also include the replica "That's one dommed space marine" please?