lol nice
*** This game requires Flash 8 + a webcam! ***
Full name: Dress Up Yourself: World Cup Edition
Howdy folks!
May I present you the newest version of Dress Up Yourself? This new versions offers you 3 features, live video which may speak for itself. Snapshot mode, where you first take a picture of yourself and then dress-it up and load picture, which doesn't require a webcam.
This game is made in roughly 4 hours so this beats the record of fastest game made by me.
Oh and don't start moaning that it doesn't have your favourite team, I couldn't cramp all them in there so I decided to just add the winners. Forza Italia!
Vote fairly and if you don't have a webcam act like you have one. Hurray!
lol nice
I can't add links
The air horn doesn't make a noise!
I was really excited to play this game, some nice art and such and quite a pleasing game to play but when I saw that air horn it was just... meant to be.
Sorry but this fucking sucks
I loved this game for years! It's a good clean game, with great music. classic fun and it makes my day good. This is very funny! Boungiorno!
The makers must be italian eh? Well it was fun with the eyes, but.. It needs more stuff to decorate yourself with