thanks again for this old classic
Inspired by an IM chat with my cousin-in-law Chase Congdon (PunWisp), this brings new meaning to senseless violence.
And now there's going to be a sequel.
There's going to be... a fucking sequel...
A motherfucking... sequel...
thanks again for this old classic
I'm a bit confused what it was about or why a inverted Goku was fighting a Metal Megaman, but it was definitely fun to watch.
The addition of the Microsoft Sam voices was also funny.
Whos Character on DBZ? Is PunWisp? Nice Movie Movie By The Way
the Pefect music combined with great dumbass sh't always makes for a good time.
And really, thats all microsoft sam is good for.
Microsoft Sam is a nice chap when you get to know him.
I don't get it. So I will just leave you with an eight and half of an eight.
When you said hookers I began to get excited until I read your review and was disappointed to find nothing but math.