im am
i am ten and dynamics seem to do grate +
+ +
This is a doodle I did years ago, thought someone else should see it. You can create points and connect them with lines, then adjust the tension and friction of those items to control how they move. Great time waster.
im am
i am ten and dynamics seem to do grate +
+ +
Wierdly fun time waster
Strangely addictive and fun
This game is way better then that, other, game!!!!
it was a game like this without tha arrows and changing colors, and you couldn't move right it like you can on this game.
pretty good
but instead of having to keep clicking 'delete point" or "bar", it should be kind of "stuck" onto that setting so every time you clicked on two points after selecting "create bar" it will make a bar, instead of making a bar, then having to click on "make bar" again and again...... :S...... but anyway still good.
I like this game
This game was fun. I didn't think it would be fun but hey