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Fan Game 0.3

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I REALLY APPRECIATE REVIEWS. Let me know how you got on. If there's anything in particular you enjoyed or disliked, let me know that too. I respond to all.

7 all-new levels. Easy, up to hard. But hopefully everyone will be able to complete the game if they want.

Turning v0.2 into v0.3 took 4 hours.

Instructions, tips and to-do list below.

Click to power up the fan. Blow all orange critters into the portal simultaneously to pass each level. Avoid holes and triangular enemies.

There is a known bug of critters getting stuck in a block. If this happens, click the 'auto-fail' button to restart. You won't be penalised.

Tips - Don't just keep the mouse button held down. You're better off using the fan in little bursts as it's fairly powerful.
- All enemies home into one of the critters. If you work out which enemy is homing into which critter in level 7, you can use that to your advantage to get past that level. They're fairly stupid, just moving at a critter in a straight line.

Tweaks in this version
- reduced 'bounciness'
- reduced fan power
- touching the critters with the fan no longer kills them.

To do:
- sort out 'block-sticking' bug.
- experiment with enemy movement patterns (responsive and independent of player movement.
- experiment with different fan strengths and friction levels to see what works best as a default.
- introduce a border round the entire play-field.
- modularise the code for critter/enemy movement
Actual graphics. bgm and sfx will be added for v1. Before applying the 'wrapper' though, I still have to sort out the game mechanics.

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right click and click play it took me strait threw every level lmao cool! /:D

LuckyLollipopLad responds:

not cool - a bug!

But did you like the rest of the game???


another idea can you have buttons that ativate gates and tram lines that move you critter some where

LuckyLollipopLad responds:

I don't want to start going crazy, with collectables for the critters, power-ups, buttons etc.

There's still an awful lot I can add before doing those things.

I may or may not add permanent breezes on certain levels though.

Thanks for the suggestions. Glad you liked.

If you play any other version, please let me know where you got to/final score.

Thanks for the review.

Stay funky!

Very cool.

Well despite the lack of good graphics, the scripting was excellent. Great wall collisions and cool fan control, it was awesome. If you could get some better graphics in there, you'd have an incredible game man. Expand on it, it is awesome =)

LuckyLollipopLad responds:

Glad you liked!

There's still a couple of bugs I need to sort out and I'd like to experiment with some more stuff before adding final gfx/sound.

Thanks for the review!

It wasn't Bad


The graphics and style of this movie were pretty good; I like how there are no outlines around anything (or at least a different colour than the main body outline). There was lots of interactivity, and the time played was a pretty cool addition. This game is pretty unique, too.


As with your other submissions I've reviewed, there is no sound! That is a big problem.


LuckyLollipopLad responds:

I don't see why the lack of sound is such a big problem. I'd personally consider a fundamental flaw with level design/game mechanics a far bigger problem.

Is it the lack of juicy feedback via sfx that bothers you, or just the lack of 'mood'?

Glad you're enjoying everything else.

If you play any other version, please let me know your final score/where you got to.

I enjoyed the review.
Stay funky!


That was really cool. I would certainly like to see better graphics though..

LuckyLollipopLad responds:


Better gfx for v1.

Stay funky!

Credits & Info

3.66 / 5.00

Jul 3, 2006
1:02 AM EDT