I'd always like to see a bunch of triangle moving around! For some reason it made me smile lots
This is just my first expirement in motion tweening. I don't care if it gets good votes or not, i'm just trying to point out that the more you practice at it the better you get. (look at my other movies lol)
I'd always like to see a bunch of triangle moving around! For some reason it made me smile lots
who would want to see stupid triangles moving around????next time you should use people or something
Okay i have seen all of you flash movies and so far this is the best one no icp and it just looks very abstract your still not getting a good rating from me but at least your somewhat improving i think you should just keep your experimentations on your computer and not post them for everyone to see
keep in in your computer
if its an experiment.. we dont need to see it
also, learn to use easing.. also you name says Fag
Fuck yeah
Slap some icp, and twiztid or some shit, make it a pong game, and it'd be THE SHIT. God damn, I wish I had them skills, excuse that shit that I said in reviewing your other movies... This is the shit, even if it makes NO SENSE!!! HAHAHA