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Wheel Of Danger

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Author Comments

yepyep throw a knife..
burst them into salad fingers little girlfriend..
have phunphun

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Haha... i hit the girl in her ding donngg!

Okay game, it was interesting, i gave points for originality, but not something i would play for more than half an hour or something...

good game

add som blood and it's perfect :D

Pretty decent.

You should add blood when she gets hit or have her say funny shit when you miss and/or hit her.

Challenging and eautiful...

...just wish there was a way to bring the power back down instead of it just maxing out. But that's a pretty minor complaint.

Oh, more levels/backgrounds would be nice, too (although you may have them; I couldn't get 10).

One question: why does her hair turn black when she screams? Looks like a different character.

Oh, and a tip -- to get dynamic text to show up in the correct font it needs to be embedded for that box specifically. As it is, all of the numbers in the scores are showing up as Times for anyone who doesn't have that funky font.

FDestiny responds:

whoops! yeah your right... that's her shadow :P good spotted.. im gonna fix it

thanks :)

Oh, now come on!

I mean, you coul'dve made it a bit more fun, added a few thing's, like score .etc made it a bit longer. other than that. 5 ALL TEH WAYEEZ!!!!!!11!11!!11!!!!!!!!

Credits & Info

3.11 / 5.00

Jun 26, 2006
5:36 AM EDT