ching, quality of info
+++ Large number of subjects.
-- Lot of spelling mistakes.
-- Sexist reviews not allowed? I'm sure that's not a rule...
--- For code, I think you really should EXPLAIN it - not just hand it out.
--- Your link code opens stuff in the flash window. set target='blank' for it to open a new one, as you'd generally want.
-- The gradients are terribly explained. If I didn't already know that stuff, I don't think I'd be any wiser after this tutorial.
--- Music got annoying after a while.
--- Custom cursor messed up at times - sometimes disappearing.
- Sometimes there was no 'back' button or it didn't work.
I think you just need to work on explaining things better and not rush into doing so much. When teaching, quality of information is paramount. Specially when so much material already exists.