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SW: Sith Confrontation 2

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Star Wars: Sith Confrontation Again - The Jedi Elite Team

Edit: Yay~ My first movie that got Frontpage! Thanks alot :)
**To all SW fans, Shaak Ti is not killed by Grevious in the movie, she's still alive when the temple is raided. Therefore she's able to appear in one of the scene in this flash.**

Edit: Sorry about the lightsaber drawing blood issue in the movie. Blood appeared twice in this movie, one when Agen Kolar was killed and another one in the deleted scene. I know you wont bleed when attack by lightsaber, for the Kolar scene, the blood is just added for visual effect, its not meant to mean Kolar was bleeding. As for the deleted scene, well, its just a deleted scene. :D

Edit: 1 part of the animation went off-sync, i'd lost the original .fla, so i cant repair it.


This is the remake of my old Star Wars flash, Sith Confrontation, where Jedi Master Mace Windu leads his Jedi team to arrest Sith Lord Palpatine. Please don't complain that the storyline didn't stick to the actual film. And don't expect it to be completely different either.

i wanna thank all the VAs, they did an excellent job.
This is a pretty long movie, running almost 15 mins. So it may take some time to load.
And oh, there are a couple of bonus and stuffs in it, dun miss them.

It's a couple of months of hard work, this is made for all Star Wars fans, so hope u guys enjoy watching.

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Strong with the nostalgia, this one is…

This is awesome. Definitely one of the greatest Star Wars animations I've ever seen in my entire life.

This is funny lol

passwords for extras

first one is 500
for the second one right click and its in the menu


:DD..movie rockzZz xDDDDDD

Credits & Info

4.12 / 5.00

Jun 7, 2006
11:30 AM EDT
  • Frontpaged June 7, 2006
  • Daily 2nd Place June 8, 2006
  • Weekly 4th Place June 14, 2006