There's nothing like shameless product placement.
An EarthBound Spoof Based on an annoying commercial for Kodak. I have improved upon it now that has made it to the top 5. I took out that stupid <-- part that everybody hated. So now it's just strictly a movie. It's also a message. At the end I mention that Kodak says to live every moment of youtlife to the fullest. Well after the terrorist act, I feel that everyone should take notice to that small gesture because you never know when you going to die. It's short and sweet so enjoy.
Audio: Slipknot, EarthBound, Dan Szymanski
Graphics: EarthBound
Animation: Dan Szymanski
Storyline:Paul Szymanski
There's nothing like shameless product placement.
ness crazy lol
very good
im wondering,that how did you get that dance part in?,i mean that i have almost beat EB and i cant find it!
I didn't really get what was going on until the end. So they are saying that a certain type of camera brings a clearer image?
i agree with cheesedeluxe. this has potential but it needs work on the chronolgical sequnce and touch ups on the graphics and it needs work on that dance scene but the idea was hilarius. nice job.