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The Chat -1-

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This is my second movie i've ever actually completed. Took me about five hours to do. I showed it to my friends and finally had the nerve to submit it. They had a good laugh out of this and so did I. So Enjoy the movie and leave some good reviews ^_^.

Quotes from:

If it turns out to be good i'll create more.

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Are you my father? (AllyGRUNT Ice-GRUNT)

buncha frickin nerds...


Ice-Grunt responds:

Thanks for the review? This wasn't much of an review but thanks for the 10 anyways.


Ice-Grunt i like ur name do u play warcraft 3 frozen throne or have u played it cuz there are orc grunts that are soldiers and i like teh name Ice-Grunt and im gonna steal it from u and use it in a game i play someday ha ha hA......i GONNA add u to contacts now probbably if i remember it.. in my room rihtgr now..........Really sTONeddd -_- XD dsd...ccolors..

Ice-Grunt responds:

Thanks for the Review! Well I responded to the Chat -2- already from your review. Next time when you review one of my movies think you can leave a comment about it, instead of jibberish? thanks anyways ^_^

Fast Easy and Funny as Hell!!!

LOL YOU DONT HAVE TO PAY!!! so true for many hookers and dudes man the flash is pretty good but wat i like most is the music is that tetris thing that russian music or w/e it is the "chat room" conversations were pretty well thought out and just randomly funny and odd in its own way but it kicks ass HOORAH!!!

Ice-Grunt responds:

Hehe, Thanks ^_^


This was pretty awsome. Yes you did have to read pretty quickly, and sometimes I missed the last bits, but it was worth it. I laughed heaps lol. Keep it up, but next time make it a lil slower please.
Love to see more of your work,


Credits & Info

3.34 / 5.00

Jun 5, 2006
1:20 AM EDT