This was pretty neat and a pretty unique concept if I must say myself really used my mind to come up with several phrases is an online multi user brainstorming system. Give it a try!
CS2 is out! Check that out, way more features, way more fun!
This was pretty neat and a pretty unique concept if I must say myself really used my mind to come up with several phrases
The goal of this game is to have as many phrases with the word fart in it on the board at the same time. Once you have gotten a total of 100 fart related words (not at the same time), you will receive a notification of your score.
Pretty damned cool. Some of the porn that you get at 300 and 400 points is pretty incredible.
Get farting.
This is a rip-off idea from World Of Words, submitted one month before, and it doesn't work regardless.
Gotta love it!!!!
I love games like this!!!!! It's such fun when you have loads in the room! Vote 5 peeps!!!!
Greatest experience ever. (if the others cooperate.) I wrote, "MakeACircle" waved it around, and we did it! Along with making a square, question mark, smiley face, Z, X, and
3-D square. It was stupendeously fun! Front page doesn't even begin to cover it. Favorites list all the way. :)