b- b- b- BOOORRRRING!!! 0 stars... no movie just text? post it to an IRC not newgronds..
i undserstand though. RIP
I know a few people have already done this, but I thought that I, too, should express the shock, fear and horror that I have felt. And also express my respect for those who died and I wish their families good luck.
I am not after your vote, but those who died deserve your RESPECT.
Update: another building near the trade center, I think about 48 stories high, has also collapsed.
b- b- b- BOOORRRRING!!! 0 stars... no movie just text? post it to an IRC not newgronds..
i undserstand though. RIP
9/11 never happended no action, no gameplay
Where's the action? Disappointment.
Thank You
Looking at your profile I see you aren't even American I appreciate your concern for the American people. It's weird to look back on this two years later. Especially when you said I hope this doesn't lead to war or something similar to that. God bless you man and may peace come soon.
What you could of done
Put this at the BBS posts that time(9/11/01)If it ever exsisted that day.