this is just the ufo game with different graphics
I made this probably like 2 years ago when I did flash, thought hey why not let someone else play it besides me :P
Check out my website
this is just the ufo game with different graphics
has a lot of problems
graphics-done pretty well
style-not really that fun to play. You should do more action, like when he hits something he stops and dies not go through it and flash and die. Use arrow keys not the stupid mouse.
sound-sound sucked
interactivity-was pretty good. still dont ever use a mouse click to move up and down. makes it harder then shit.
overall-decent game just needs to be worked better.
not too good
an average heli game but with very choppy graphics. the ant thing was cool though i guess.
Nice game!I liked the use of objects(Soda can).The ant was riding pretty fast,which did pose a challenge.You should continue it and make it harder.Also,you could put some sort of powerup or points.
Simple concept,great game.
For only having one button this game rocked, very fun and fast paced... good work.