you aint tell me how to make it stay on the floor
but besides that its great
A brief tutorial for all you beginners
Hope it helps :)
you aint tell me how to make it stay on the floor
but besides that its great
This was is an awesome tutorial.
The instructions were very clear and though you used variables without much explaination, they were used so simply that it wasnt hard for me to pick up on them.
This is great groundwork info to build into the other game genre.
i dont buy it for one second
however it does the job! the way you explaned those scripts and wrote them your realy combining some super basic actions with some more advanced ones. but hey it gets the job done for the noobs.
Well, it was good, but in the code where there is a speed power-up, it doesn't work. You have to define speed first in order to make it work.
thanks it helps me a lot!!