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April 5, 2006 –
April 26, 2011
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments



I'm rather disappointed to see the flash was deleted. i see that it's past the voter threshold so you alas can't delete it yourself. I would've liked to see what this flash was about, since I haven't seen your other work. Oh well, I'm sure you had a reason to do this.

well done,and the end is hilarious.
to all the whiners who think this is going to teach people how to kill themselves,they already know thanks to google idiots:P

The last guys an ass.
Cool flash, funny. I enjoy what you've put up.

Why don't you take your own advice, and cut your whole arm off with a razor. That was a complete waste of your time, and if you really feel that way posting that "thing" here will only make it worse. I hate emo's, they should all die. How about you put your skills to something other than crap, make an actual flash, it could be good.

The flash was mediocre - more importantly, its pretty fcked up that you would actually teach people the proper method of doing this. I find it irresponsable of moderators to have let this one through.

Please remove this flash from the database, I would have thought NG was professional enough to restrict something like this. Suicide is a serious issue, especially amongst the age groups that might visit this site, and altough I agree that expression should be free - I believe reasonable boundries should be adhered to when a form of expression could act as direct instruction for the target audience - on how to take their own life.

Im sorry to the author for this review - its not meant to bash your skills - which are actually pretty good, and its unfortunate if you really feel this way, and I would hope that those around you would notice and care for you if this was the case ... if not, help is pleantifull and easy to access so dont resort to a razor .. and for fcks sake .. dont TEACH people how to KILL themselves!


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