Funniest thing I've seen in awhile.
This score is based on the comedy value and the all around feeling of the flash.
This is a short cartoon I made about a classic prank phone call with a twist.
Funniest thing I've seen in awhile.
This score is based on the comedy value and the all around feeling of the flash.
funny really funny but the voice of that man is a bit not good but its really funny so heres 10
it was pretty good....not like most of your flash
well that was pretty cool! The thing i liked is when u took the flapping head guy........... if you got it from south park.
it had a very funny plot but i kinda think that this is my least favoruite out of your cartoons
p.s. Awesome update on hoppy and george
p.p.s a dude made a cartoon about you search jeff davis on newgrounds not athours!
I didn't find it. Maybe it was about another Jeff Davis.
I didn't want to like this....
after reading the last reviews but damned if I didn't laugh. It's an old joke, but I haven't heard it told like this before. Nor I have I ever seen a refigerators leg bone that resembled my dogs denta-bone. It's worth a 6 for that alone.
You don't judge a movie by how much an asshole the author is.