this is game is terrribblleee
this game stinks because it will not load up when i try to get onto it at college for shame to you and your flash antics. nd i supose u get a 10 coz ure family (Y)
After looking through some tutorials online I finaly made my first ever flash game. So can you catch the Dodge Bot?
this is game is terrribblleee
this game stinks because it will not load up when i try to get onto it at college for shame to you and your flash antics. nd i supose u get a 10 coz ure family (Y)
great game
very funny and great game...thought i wish it would be posible to "catch" the bot thought wich isn't posible...i'we checked... else from that...great game
good job
now you should expand and try to incorperate this program into a larger game, and loop the adio, otherwise i like it
Im busey on that
but in my music list it says that you have use "heaven cries" to this game... when infact it is "future technoligy".
just wanted to point that out.
good work
Sorry about the mixup Ill change it
good game
yea it was a good game and i also love the lil guy