The potential wasn't realised.
My experience
Played. Glitch after L1.1. Then I died on purpose on l1, right-click played to see what would happen. Played l2.1, fell off at a tricky bit, but the screen kept going - not recognising my failure.
Aspects (rated +/-)
------: After I completed L1.1, it went back to the menu.
--: 1st level is way slow and boring.
---: I think the bit I died on at level 2.1 was disproportionately hard, compared to the rest of the level
-: I'd like to see the ability to jump at different heights, to not whack off the top.
-: it seems wierd that if you 'walk off' a ledge, you fall so slowly compared to when you jump.
+++: The interactive pre-loader was a really thoughtful touch.
++: The idea has more potential than you've realised. I was looking forward to seeing the horizontal stages and bonus stages...
The game had potential but wasn't fun for me.
I think you should sort the game out, maybe make another version. Or persue another idea if you like and come back to this when you know more AS.
Keep at it.
Stay funky,
- Bez