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=Mars Patrol=

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This game has been a long project for me. I started it last year, then lost flash, then got flash back, then finished it. Here it is. The story is, your on mars, and you are investigating signs of life. Then the martians attack you, and it starts from there. Enjoy.

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come on`

to short. wats your new username? it was phantom_lord, and then you changed it from that. repluy

too short

this game was fun, but it was too easy and too short. if this game had a bigger challenge and was longer, this game could've been an easily candidate for an award. nice efforts though.

Good, but needs more.

I like the style of the cannon and the bullets. The rover is kind of generic and the bombs get broing after awhile. also the movement seems pointless since the bombs follow you no matter what. cant outrun em, i tried :)

But this game stands above the average submission, so with a bit more work I know itd be awesome.


I think this got potentiall, but u need to work on the gameplay a bit.
I like the rover though, and the shoot-feeling is good.


It has got alot of bugs, work on it, and it was a bit boring too... sorry. it would be better if at every level the place changes. And what was that patrol truck shooting with? sorry, u need to work on it more.

Credits & Info

2.98 / 5.00

Mar 17, 2006
3:19 AM EST