Something good is coming ain't it?
I can see it's not going to end there, I'm looking forward to seeing your other creations.
My friend would be happy if he knows that i made this trailer for his website.
Something good is coming ain't it?
I can see it's not going to end there, I'm looking forward to seeing your other creations.
i accually liked it , keep up the good work!
That was neato! Sure, very simplistic graphics, but lovable characters!! I liked how this was so silly and random, but had some kind of storyline and interesting look to it, also! And the timing of the music and action was perfect! I hope you were kidding when you said you weren't going to make this for real......cuz this would be very interesting to see. (don't give into LAZINESS!!)
random, yes. silly, yes. but very cool.
i give this thumbs up, because it was well made and fun to watch! This really makes you feel like you're watching a japanese kid's tv show while under the effects of acid. oh wait, most japanese kid's tv shows are that crazy and spontaneous. ok nevermind to the acid comment. anyways, i liked it! great job dude.
Oh, and did you make up the word, "Sangabuay?" Cool word.
Here is a start....
Well, it is good , grahics are nice and we see that you spent time on it. I like it, and I want to know, Will you make the movie or it was just trailer leading to nothing ???
Good movie.
that was the end of it.
yeah, just that. x_x
Nice intro...
Very nice intro, I'm sure he's more than happy with it. :)