Good stuff
Heh, yet again short & funny, good little joke with no wasted time!
I like you ur titles too.
Keep at it chief.
When you watch this one pay attention to what Billy's grandfathers lines is and Billy's last line is so you truly get the joke! :)
Info: About 1.3 Mb , About 50 seconds , Made in flash 5
Description: When Billy's Grandfahter comes for a visit he explains how he is the MASTER-BAITER.
Good stuff
Heh, yet again short & funny, good little joke with no wasted time!
I like you ur titles too.
Keep at it chief.
funny as f@*k
that my friend, is a classic joke.
well it wasn't very funny but...
I thought the graphics would be great once I saw the house, but once I saw the crude circle people I realized they weren't very good. I couldn't do it, but I've seen alot of flash and it wasn't so great compared to most of them. I liked the way the grandpa talked, but that was about it. I'm going to have to give it a 2/5. Not bad work though, you've just gotta get more experience I suppose.
Pretty Lame
This flash was not a good idea. This joke it kind of old, your character animations were not very good, and the sound was a little fuzzy. Keep practicing.
love the joke!
lol lets put the amusing immature joke aside shall we and I shall say only one other thing, improve the character drawings.