You could have done some good Dalek Voices with AUDACITY and they have lessons on youtube to teach you how to do voices. I learned how to do the Overmind. Other than that it a little beter than the first ones.
The lastest entry in my sprite series. This is the continuation of part 4. At the end of the last episode Crono and friends were attacked by daleks. What will happen next?
You could have done some good Dalek Voices with AUDACITY and they have lessons on youtube to teach you how to do voices. I learned how to do the Overmind. Other than that it a little beter than the first ones.
damn those daleks
luckily, FUCKBOT saves the day once again
he is a true american hero
fucking awesome!
just wanna say i watch this shit all the time for a fucking laugh! yall muthafuckas better continue the series! or i kill you! yayuuuuhhhhhhh
holy high and hardcore hell! that was right for all the right reasons!! I loved how you blasphemed against both doctor who and chrono trigger and it still beat most of the portal's best!
did you make those dalek sprites yourself? if not, where di you get them?
I always though Initial D made running in the Nineties... sweet flash nontheless! 5'd!
That was no more than ripping of games
Games and a very stupid show. That was kinda watchable up until the part were the robot says, extermeeeenate. That was fucking hilarious. Before you get your hopes up im laughing at you, not with you. Cause im sure you don't know how.