I sang to make it work :D
It was pretty cool, I have to admit :D
I'm definitely goin g to play this more!
>>> this game needs a microphone to play, don't vote it down just cuz you don't have one <<<
ok, make loud noises to go up, make no noise to go down. simple avoid red, collect green gameplay.
tips n' tricks:
try waving your mic, blowing into it, rubbing it against different materials and find whichever gives you best control. I can guarantee though; whatever method you choose you will look ridiculous. which is half the fun :P
[edit:] flipness, good reviews and poopy votes. I think only review score should count, 'if you cant be bothered to say anything nice etc...'
meh, I know some peeps voted it down because of the microphone need. it's ok and I don't mind, those people will never understand the meaning of fun :P
Big thanks to all reviewers and those who saved this from people looking for blam points :D
I sang to make it work :D
It was pretty cool, I have to admit :D
I'm definitely goin g to play this more!
coll game but u can only use it if u have a mic people good thing i have 1 im using my rock band mic lol make someguns though
2755 by not doing anything :P
funny cool
really good work man
great fun
SOO much fun, i love looking like an idiot while playing it! It's like you said, its half the fun. :)