Very unoriginal Pokemon shooter here. The art was also either bad, or just a picture taken from online. Nothing new, nor interesting basically a "kill x game."
This game is sort of mindless entertainment(though it took me over 2 weeks to make).Just have fun with it.I made it for people to enjoy.What do you think of the music?
Very unoriginal Pokemon shooter here. The art was also either bad, or just a picture taken from online. Nothing new, nor interesting basically a "kill x game."
This game is so stupid!
Im serious The Ash battle was so STUPID!!!!! AND FUCKING GAY
this was so rubbish, i dont even know WHY im rating it!
the game was ok but the music wat was cool
F-minus thats cool but yeah dude make something with LOC or CV or somethin
GG its called photoshop, its used to get those big ass white boxes around the pics.