that was so my style xD
just all sad n then BOOM! wtf is going on xD well seems every 1 elts hated it i rly liked it though :D
!REQUIRED FLASH 8 PLAYER TO WATCH IT! Please read this all. Hi everybody! It's XENON right here. That's my first submission. It's gothic flash with sad start, and cool end. So, just watch it. Don't forget about feedback, and vote ofcourse. Wanna start new life? Kill yourself like Lili Vamp do it, and bring your heart on your grave... I think my art style cool, and what are you think about it? P.S. My another profile on NEWGROUNDS was Black-Jack, but I delete it, all who read it, and know me before, send me e-mail. Oh. Yeah. Almost forgot. All, who's like RAG DOLL KUNG FU GAME, send me e-mail, and I send you Lili (main movie character) skin. Enjoy.
that was so my style xD
just all sad n then BOOM! wtf is going on xD well seems every 1 elts hated it i rly liked it though :D
no comment
Good beginning i thought it was going to turn into something dark and evil and you know fun stuff? then you messed it up by that totally shit ending why the hell did you do that? You could have had a cool ending... So because of the ending youve completely put me off it
What the hell? That was messed up. Do something better that didn't even make sense.
u fucking sux, honestly, y the fuck do u go out and ripoff lilium, we all know its a kik ass flash, but its not kool for u too do that... mabe if the title was tribute to lilium, but w/e, u suck... lilium owns...
OK, ok everyone, I'll be the moron of NG.
Umm, Xenon, I didn't get it... At all.
I liked the animation, I like the music, it just made no sense.