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Vancouver Flash

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A little presentation about Vancouver, very tourismy... A design-type project. Feedback is appreciated! Thanks!

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I'm jealous.

I live in Vancouver, Washington, USA.

Our Vancouver is no where near that.


...We still have your fort. :3

The animation was very beautiful. It was calm, smooth, and set to some gentle music. Created a wonderful atmosphere. Makes me wonder what a flash on Vancouver, USA would be like. o_0


HOT DAMN!! I'm from Toronto, Ontario and now I see why all the people I talk to want to retire in Vancouver!!! Damn, I'm jealous. =P I wanna move there...*grumbles some more*

Oh yeah...I'm supposed to be critiquing the flash...not the city...*lucky Vancouverians*...excellent flash!! I thought the fps was a tad bit slow...but it was OK. The music was perfect!!! Maybe more shots of touristy areas...if there are anymore? Night life pics? Or even do some of those nice about vancouver pics they have here in Toronto....you know... family, friends, etc. Great work!! I see a career in marketing for you. =P

You done my city proud

This is a great tourism movie. the only thing I can think of to make it better is make it a little faster, like fps-wise, and maybe more dynamic when switching areas of greater vancouver, awesome nonetheless

Wow. This was very nice.

I liked the style, it was... Relaxing ;)
I used to live in Vancouver, then I moved to Burnaby. This captures the atmosphere, very nice job! 5/5


I lived in Vancouver all my life! also been to many other cities in the world and guess wat? vancouver is the best! GVRD!
loved the style in ur flash, and like they gut said before, if u dont already work in an advertising agency, let them see this flash!
the music matched the upbeet style of vancouver and was well represented in this work. excellent!
same as another reviewer, where is the rain? haha

TheMint400 responds:

ahh the rain... you know why i prob forgot? cuz i'm at UofAlberta right now and am back in vancouver for break, and it has barely rained this week (for which i am happy) GO CANUCKS!

Credits & Info

3.84 / 5.00

Feb 23, 2006
7:56 PM EST