I did a report on 1066 and such a while ago, if this flash was around it would have made things a whole lot easier!
Real simple, not much animation, but a good sense of humor with it. Hope you make more!
I threw this together, inspired by a course I took recently called Medieval English Literature.
I did a report on 1066 and such a while ago, if this flash was around it would have made things a whole lot easier!
Real simple, not much animation, but a good sense of humor with it. Hope you make more!
Well it wasn't as bad as M2b said it was. I liked how you put a bit of humor in there too, although, you spoke way too fast : /. (M2b, quit acting like a child. That's so wrong to complain about another's submission just because of criticism against your own movie.)
Wowyy wat a crapy movie
Yawn...its just a bunch of pictures on the screen. sheesh....i mean how woest can it get, u hardly had animation on that movie. im srry but this movie is a blam.
Oh yea p.s: Hi... im the guy who did the movie "Easy fight by megaman". U almost filled the screen with the speech u made. fa'halmara itfaker lein it6ale3 yal 3eer. Have a nice day :D !
That was great (not much work, but it was so stupid I had a laugh)
But its cool and great, keep up the style... But flash animations are much cooler...
i give you a 10 anyways xD
Slide show's must have more redeemable value
If you're going to do a slideshow, timing and sound synchronization are all-important.