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The Many Deaths Of Kitty

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I started this some time ago, just sketching different ways a cat could use up it's nine lives. I thought it made a good idea for a cartoon so here it is. I hope you enjoy. A morbid humor is needed.

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not the best but good.

This is a great idea, but it does need improvement. one thing. the name gives it a sense of interactivity. maybe you could make a menu were they can choose which one they want to see. Plus the dark lines around the blood need to go. And it should scatter more with some fade and blotches.Plus maybe show some bone if you can manage it. Then it would be perfect. keep up the good work.


I don't like animal violence that much at all. With other sad little voices alongside it didn't help. No further comment.

Good, but nothing too special.

Yes, the cat did use up nine lives, but in pretty stupid and pointless ways. The kitty deaths weren't very witty or different , this was somewhat like "Bunny Suicides" but with less humour and wit. This was a nice concept, if you could make the deaths better, a sequel may well be worth the watch.
I did enjoy this, and I wish you luck with any future projects.

WEll I licked it

Nothin beats random unexsplained acts of voilence!!!!!!Nice how u had the cat die in many different ways but he was never burnt to dealth? You must of forgot that one. You should have a sequal names "The revenge of many kitties" where the cats kill all the humans who killed them before.

Just a segestion.


What is the point in making something that is pointless killing of harmless unarmed cats!

Shoedude responds:

That is the point. "pointless killing of harmless unarmed cats." Next time maybe he'll be armed. "Kitty's Revenge"

Credits & Info

3.42 / 5.00

Feb 21, 2006
2:26 PM EST