my friend will so like this
he loves ducks so much he has a collection of rubber ducks and he has the wierdest ones, a yllow duck with red eyes and a black orange duck with horns.
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Music Video
Funny Cartoons
President Bush sings us one of his all-time favorites, Ducks Like Rain. Enjoy!
Sorry for it being short, but the song was too.
my friend will so like this
he loves ducks so much he has a collection of rubber ducks and he has the wierdest ones, a yllow duck with red eyes and a black orange duck with horns.
thats alll
and i dint even see a link for it on NGC!!! well done dude 5!!
Ha ha.
As mentioned in the last review, it was too short, but I liked it. I love it when people grab jpgs of bush and make him do funny stuff.
Good work keep it up :)!
???? wow !!!!
way too short make it longer