no fun at all... great idea though
This is a small "3D Dartgame" but with a twist.
Just tell me why do I already know that it will get blammed anyways? ...
Thanks for all the nice feedback and not blamming it!
I created this game on request for a friend... he wanted to be able to throw darts at some guy he could not stand. I personally have no idea who the victim is :).
no fun at all... great idea though
cool one
that was a fun darts game, with a cool twist to it. i think that the controls could've been different and the quality of the graphics was a little bit shaky, but it was still quite fun to play and i've always enjoyed darts.
Okay lets go through the list in order for kicks and giggles huh?
Graphics- The background was okay but nothing special the darts were ok and the guy going back & forth was just plain fugly
Style- this is definitly something I have not seen before so you get full marks for that.
Sound- loved the song you should send it to me sometime lol, and the little "ah" noise was ok as well lol
Violence- Whats better than being able to throw darts at a unarmed moving target? A target you can customize or better yet, one you know who the heck it is, and maybe throw in a little blood or something.
Interactivity- Controls SUCKED, took me three tries to figure them out, add a help screen or fix the dang things, it took me awhile to figure out that you have to hold the mouse button, and than aim in the little red thingy, in order to hit the idiout moving back and forth, if not than you hit a random object, not to mention how slow it was for the dart to reload sometimes. GRRR!
Humor- Would have been funny, if I knew who that was
Overall- just a wannabe 15 min game, please try harder - Rolleth
Not bad
The body where drawn badly and the movement was slow so it was easy to hit the person. It was an OK game. 2/5
why did this not get blammed
why did this not get blammed. please make sure your game actually works or has any point before posting it. posting a work in progress will just make a bunch of people angry and get your post Zeroed.