Pretty good
Old-school fab-U-les
I am really into claymation, but after a while it can get pretty boring. So when i got a the chance i desided to try a new form of animation. A form that is very rarly used and it looks great. Don't get me wrong this movie is incredibly random. It was more of just testing this stlye. I tried to make it like one of those crapy 50's robot movies.
Pretty good
Old-school fab-U-les
Old school monty python style, schweet. I cant get enought of those explosions, keep making these.
Ok the animation style... wow haven't seen that in a while... last time I saw that was Monty Python's Flying Circus (for all those who don't know, that was the name of the TV series they had on BBC in the UK), but it definately needs touching up (eg at the start with the party, don't make the mouths look like they completely detatch from the heads... unless of course you were shooting for something akin to the Canadians in South Park). The overall idea wasn't too bad, and the Monty Python reference... well ok it was weird, but then so was the Monty Python films and series so... could go either way really... all in all, needs work but is a relatively good place to start
Cool Stuff, man
Oops, accidently posted this review for another submission... But here it is in the proper place.
It was pretty good. Nothing blow-my-mind amazing, but it was good overall. Your voice acting could use some work, and I think if you worked on the style, you could definately be on to something pretty cool. What I mean by style is how you make the mouths move, or in your running sequence just having the pictures move around, making it real obvious it's just cut-outs on a piece of paper. If you really tried and made it so the cut-outs were your actual characters and whatnot - maybe not show that they don't have legs and don't use group shots - your future movies could be totally awesome.
Oh, and props for the Monty Python reference.