but what good voice acting and also what good uses of the sound effect!!!
A little movie i made. I hope you like it
but what good voice acting and also what good uses of the sound effect!!!
Pretty funny for sure good work with the voice effects
^^Good Points^^
I thought this movie was kind of funny. Thought it would be much worse with the comments it has gotten. It was kind of funny how the guy kept falling out. The sound effects and voices weren't too bad either.
^^Needs Improving^^
I can't say that the image quality was even that good, which was the featured graphics in this. The voice overs could have been a little clearer as well. Also, very short. You could have come up with some more things to do.
I found the humor
Good idea and it made me giggle. Maybe do some other sign humor, i could see some potential in a series of shorts like that. Like a bus coming up from behind and running down those 2kids in school Xing signs. Maybe i'm just twisted...