meh preety good
My Little Paintbrush and a couple of frames. This movie is entirely (except for fades, and intro) made up of frame-by-frame paintbrush work.
Warning. This movie contains stickmen, robots, cartoons of US military drafting and drops of stuff. May result in injury or death. Consult your doctor before watching.
meh preety good
I missed that song, I haven't heard it in years, cool
It was pretty good liked the music, I tried to make a short flash but i didnt finish it yet. i know stuff like this takes a while to make so that was pretty good. How long did it take you to make it?
one munth. i kno its not much nd soz 4 the loading time. if it wasnt so long then i wuld hav tried 2 make it longa. and soz 4 the spelling mistakes on that reply 2 the otha dude. bastard. meh. wish i culd edit. o well. hav fun guyz. peace out! ;)
Gettin' there.
You have potential. I liked the abstract style. The drawings were nice in some spots, but in others, they could really use some work. Still, I enjoyed this. Good luck in the future man.
i love it, mostly because i love that song. I will try to protect it from effing blamming.