really random
really random and they don't look like eskimos but that cool because that girl made me laugh.
I will never mix two sounds together again! But it sounds kind of funny after a few go ahead and have a cold one.
really random
really random and they don't look like eskimos but that cool because that girl made me laugh.
Holy crap was I prepubescent at the time I made females were involved (or harmed) in the making of this Flash.
They don't really look like eskimos, no, but are (were?) inspired by the Eskimo Bob series by Tomas and Alan Guinan. Their series is far better, and you should definitely check it out.
Thanks for reviewing!
Ok that was pretty weird.But its i gave u a 3.
Random it was...and initially, it did have a plot that would've developed. If it hadn't been for that horse...
In any case, I thank you for your short and poignant review.
This movie was just plain bad. I am a big fan of Eskimo Bob, but that didn't give me any reasons to hate this, I didn't have any bias because it is a parody. And a bad parody at that. The graphics were terrible...just a few crappy radiants and triangles. I couldn't hear the sound at all, there was really no plot, this was the biggest waste of flash I've ever seen.
Heh, and I do thank you for your in-depth critiquing of this movie. Obviously by now, this isn't coming's more like never coming at all. It wasn't at all a good parody...but it was an attempt. Thanks again.
this is another one of your dummer creations
i didnt get the plot at all the story made no sence at all sry but yuv made better flashes than that one
Again, my yearling Flash days were ugly ones, where art was created with a mouse, and catastrophy ensued...maybe. I have since made much better Flash. You are quite a noble person to actually be reviewing these crap-fests of Flash, but I still thank you, nonetheless.
blam this peice if crap
i gave a 9 for violence becouse i waited for it to load
You, sir, show an excellent understanding of the English language. Such a great understanding that I'm giving you this honorary award for your graduation of kindergarten!!
Seriously, if you're going to review my stuff, learn how to spell...and be sure you've made at least one Flash movie, so that I may either point and laugh at you, or (possibly) have me review your work! It'll be fun! Really! Just don't review like this guy, and you'll be fine.
By the way, Mr. I Have No Flash/Life/Spelling Skills, thank you for your generous vote of 5. ^_^