What the hell was dat? lmao ummm very challenging but well its wierd!
pick the color of the flashing words from the word bank at the bottom of the game
color game brain teaser
have fun and thanks for voting
as seen on one of my many websites
What the hell was dat? lmao ummm very challenging but well its wierd!
that was really quiet challanging, and really entertaining at teh same time, the only thing i could think og to make it more challangin is to have the colors not clicked but linked to number keys, making it even more dificullt :D, (for example b= blue, r= red, ect) would be challangin imo :D
thanks thats a great idea
Not bad
That wasnt bad actually, i like it. But (im being 100% serious) i found it really EASY. I honestly quit after like 5 minutes because i just found it really really easy! I love the way you executed this and i have that song stuck in my head!!!! Good job!
that is so agravating! its so hard to pick the COLOR and not the WORD
although this was a test sent out in e mails making it ibto a game was awesome nicely done.
thanks man