tis is t3h b3st 1337 translatz0r 3vah! ur actually right, tis is t3h b3st 1337 translatz0r 3vah.
Me and a friend made this. Our goal was not to make unreadable text |_ | |< |= 7 |-| | $ (like this), but to make it readable while still looking noobish.
There are quite a lot of words hidden, that will be translated to totally other things if you type them. Here's a hint: Counter Strike!
tis is t3h b3st 1337 translatz0r 3vah!
tis is t3h b3st 1337 translatz0r 3vah! ur actually right, tis is t3h b3st 1337 translatz0r 3vah.
It translates "Good game" to "ubz0r ga3m" xD
It translates "Oh my god" to "OMFG"
It translates lol to IOIz